Our suppliers
Faces that co-create each dish with us.
A good ingredient is the first and main condition for a good dish. We are delighted to have found suppliers who understand us, share similar values with us, and stand out in their surroundings in terms of quality and their way of thinking. We want to share with you the faces that help co-create the story of Gostilna Repovž.
Sodelujemo z
lokalnimi dobavitelji
Skupaj nam dostavijo
različnih kakovostnih sestavin
Letno postrežemo
krožnikov s svežimi sestavinami
Toni Kukenberger
Ekosirarna Dairy productsPolona Zevnik
Lešniki Slapšak HazelnutsJožica Mehak
Ekološka kmetija Mehak Chicken and beefMitja Berce
Kmetija Berce OilsVeronika Frelih
Vinska klet Frelih WineJože Petkovšek
Društvo ljubiteljev salam SalamiMiha in Kristina Dežman
Kmetija Monera EggsGregor Šlibar
Ekološka kmetija Šlibar Flour, beerJernej Žarn
Albiana WineDarko Pavlič
Akval d.o.o. TroutAndrej Slapšak
Domaine Slapšak WineBlaž Košak
Mlin Košak FlourMiran Adamič
Roncaldo Olive oilGregor Zabukovec
Eko kmetija Zabukovec Cured meats, fresh meatMojmir Dimec
Ovčarska kmetija Urban Sheeps’ cheeseDavid Kozinc
Vina Kozinc WineJanko Skube
KZ Sevnica Fresh meatMartina Hvalc
Domačija Hvalc Fresh lambSophie Calver
Senior Marketing and Communications Manager LondonJon Nicholls
Technology Director, Global London, New YorkReasons for confidence
We are proud of our suppliers.
We have built an honest and open relationship with our suppliers based on learning and joint growth. We are aware that a good knowledge of ingredients, their origin and method of production are key to creating top-quality dishes. Therefore, we serve each plate confident in the knowledge that the ingredients are fresh and produced with the care and knowledge of our partners.
The relationship
between learning and growing together.
in care and knowledge.
Freshness and quality of ingredients.